

24.5.2014 — 4.1.2015

“Close-up Cuba” em­pha­sized Hans Georg Näder’s very per­son­al view of the Caribbean island. The col­lec­tor stayed there many times, vis­it­ing art­ists’ studios and en­gag­ing in a more and more in-depth di­a­logue with the art­ists. The seven po­si­tions on con­tem­po­rary Cuban art shown in the ex­hi­bi­tion shed light on socio-po­lit­i­cal ques­tions, ev­ery­day life in a so­cial­ist coun­try, and the fall­outs of co­lo­nial­ism.

With some 70 paint­ings, sculp­tures, pho­to­graphs and draw­ings from the HGN Collection’s stock, the ex­hi­bi­tion was one of the most com­pre­hen­sive displays of its kind show­ing works by Roberto Fondo, Carlos Garaicoa, JEFF, Esterio Segura Mora, Carlos Quintana, and Enrique Rottenberg.